Tuesday, January 28, 2014

On the Internet

Do you ever sit and think about all the random things that you read about on the internet on any given day? Yesterday I decided to keep track, and here are some of the things that caught my attention:
The phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” could not apply more perfectly to this collection of historical photography that a friend posted on FB this week. Seriously, these shots are amazing! Take a look... The one of Annette Kellerman promoting a woman’s right to wear a fitted one-piece bathing suit in 1907 cracked me up (she was arrested for indecency).
This post by Amy Glass has probably been circulating around your Facebook/twitter/news feeds. Basically, it's one woman's argument that a stay at home mom and a woman who works and takes care of herself are NOT equal. Frankly (and although my SAHM friends are probably going to snark at me for saying so), I kind of agreed with some of her points. Then I read...
Raven's response to Amy... LOVE. It's just so incredibly well-written, intelligent, witty, and hilarious that by the time I finished I was absolutely having second thoughts about the original article. And it reminded me of my resolution to not be a hater. Honestly, everyone just does the best that they can for their kids, and we all deserve the right to make our own life choices without judgment.
Someone from Cord Blood Registry contacted me this week about saving Baby Boy's cord blood stem cells through cord blood banking. This was not something I had previously heard about or considered, so I started doing some research. If we "bank" them at the time of his birth, stem cells from Baby Boy's umbilical cord will be a perfect match for his own stem cells later in life, and may be a match for a sibling or other family member (and they can be used to treat many life-threatening diseases, including anemia, leukemia and certain other cancers). I think it may be cost-prohibitive for us, but I still wanted to start looking into it...
A friend on FB linked up to this post and it totally touched my heart. Seriously, a year from now someone really needs to re-send this post to me and remind me how I'm feeling at this moment. As Becky outlined the preparations she and her husband went through in preparing for their little boy's arrival, it was like I was reading about my own life. But the most important part was her advice for the future: "Look into the aged eyes of the one you love and see the one for whom your heart fell."
What's been catching your attention around the interwebs these days?
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  1. I don't really look at the news online. I mostly just read blogs and window shop online. ;)

  2. Those photos from the past were amazing! :)

  3. I will have to check out those photos, that sounds really interesting! I've read a few of the other links also! :D

  4. Weird -- my comment disappeared. Hope it doesn't duplicate.

    I loved that last one -- extremely accurate!

  5. Sometimes I seriously look back at my browsing history and I'm like WHAT is my brain doing?! LOL... I'm all over the board! I love those photos from the past, someone shared that on FB recently and it was so fun to look back at! I've been reading lots of birth stories lately... haha, yes, the girl who is not pregnant or even close to it.

  6. i just opened up some of these to read!

  7. Re: Cord blood banking... If you choose to not privately bank your blood PLEASE publicly bank it!!! It's completely free to you to do that and it goes into the system and could be used to save someone else's life. If my future kiddos do inherit the genetic disorder I carry their lives could potentially be saved through getting a cord blood transplant. The more people who donate their kiddos cord blood the more likely my kiddos will have a match and potentially have their lives saved!

  8. Love those photos from the past!

  9. I love this, especially the before you were mommy. That rings SO true at this point in my life, and my poor husband gets overlooked way more than I'd like to admit!!

  10. I've saved the Before You Were Mommy post... Hopefully I'll need to refer to that in a year or so!


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