Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sh*t Men Say v3

Stewart and I are approaching our two year wedding anniversary this weekend, which means that it will be seven whole years since we met and started dating. A lot of people talk about the "seven-year itch," which is a psychological term that suggests that happiness in a relationship declines after around year seven. Lucky for me, with every day that passes I seem to fall more and more in love with my husband.
Every morning now when we wake up, Stew immediately rolls over to touch my belly and ask, "Is he kicking?" He loves to feel Baby Boy move. He plays him music, talks to him, makes plans for the games they're going to play and the things he's going to teach him... I just never get tired of watching my husband turn into a daddy.
And the other night he said something that really made me giggle. We were laughing at Baby Boy squirming around in my belly, and all the sudden Stew exclaimed,
"Squeeze him out, I want to see him!"
He's just so excited to meet our precious darling. And as the clock ticks down, our anticipation is mounting on a daily basis...
Less than two months to go now!
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Voyage of the Mee Mee


  1. so cute!! we were so excited to see what kayla looked like; then when she was born, we were excited to hear what her voice sounded like. the excitement never ends :)

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  2. Okay...this one literally made me "LOL!" Sounds like he's really excited and that's incredibly sweet!

  3. If only it were that simple! "Just squeeze him out", that's such a guy thing to say!!

  4. Aww... It's so adorable how excited he is! :-)

  5. awwww. Not much is better than watching your husband become a daddy...

  6. Awww....he must be really excited! :)

  7. Awwwwwwwww, so adorable :) So glad you guys are so happy!

  8. Awww... bahahahah... that's funny AND cute! :D

  9. squeeze him out then girl. Squeeze him out for your man.
    Oh i love it. Men can be so silly sometimes.


  10. Yay for 7 years!!! That 7 year itch theory is crazy. I've been married 15 year and I'm still his biggest fan!

  11. That is so sweet! :) Happy early anniversary! :)

  12. Getting so close! I remember those times when we were soooo excited to meet Abraham!!

  13. "squeeze him out" hahaha to funny! I had never heard of the 7 year itch...now I'm concerned, ha!

  14. Haha that is too funny! So sweet! :)

  15. LOL! That made me giggle, too. Too funny! You're getting closer and closer. Super exciting!!

  16. The excitement just builds and builds until the day finally arrives and you're pure petrified, but then excitement returns and every day is a new something!! SO cute Xo

  17. Awwww that is so sweet but he still needs more time to cook ;-) Such an exciting time for sure!

  18. That is sooo stinkin' cute!! What a good daddy.

  19. Awww!! Stewie is too sweet!! It will be no time before you two are cuddled up in bed, staring at "LJ", and admiring how much of a wonderful and amazing creation he truly is.

  20. I literally LOLed at this - Squeeze him out! haha


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