Monday, December 2, 2013

Must Have Monday -- MNF Edition

I know... two posts in one day? What is going on around here?!?

But I wanted to link up with my friend Lindsey for Must Have Monday... be sure to stop by and show her some love!
The Crafty Practitioner

As I was getting ready for Monday Night Football this morning, I realized I don't have nearly enough bling for such an exciting event!
For example, why on earth didn't I plan ahead and order these Seahawks inspired boot cuffs from Etsy?
Or these awesome sunglasses... I mean, the sun is actually still shining here in Seattle, if you can believe it!
But don't worry... not having these items will not deter me from fulfilling my 12th Man duties this evening.  

Hawk Yeah!!

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  1. Those boo cuffs are adorable! I'd like them in TONS of colors, and how color inspired nail polishes! :)

  2. Those sunglasses are awesome. If they made those in Penn State version I would rock the heck out of them!!!!! Thanks for linking up =)

  3. Those glasses are hilarious!! And those cuffs? You need them!! Go Hawks!

  4. Loved loved all of the SeaHawks paraphernalia! You go girl! Love your blog


Talk to me, Goose!