Saturday, November 16, 2013

Love, Fun and Football

I know what you're thinking... this post HAS to be all about me, right?


I'm talking about Erin at Love, Fun and Football, who recently completed this amazing blog redesign for me!

You were wondering if you were in the right place, huh?

Welcome to the new and improved Life As Always!

Erin is an Ohio girl, and I think she might actually love football a little more than me. Like me, she has a journalism degree and is using blogging as an outlet for those unutilized skills. She also married the coolest man on the planet (weird, I did, too!), and loves Mexican food, Disney, and reading. Except for the fact that she likes cooking (which I loathe), she might just be my internet doppelgänger.

Anyway, Erin is just all-around fabulous and sweet, and working with her on my new blog design was easy and fun. Definitely check her out if you're feeling like your blog needs a little face lift!

Love, fun and football

Have a great weekend, my lovelies!
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  1. I absolutely LOVE Erin and she is one of the sweetest Gals that I have ever met in blogging, not to mention one of the first blogs that I ever fell in love with (and started following). She's also always been my go-to. I'm so glad you took MY advice and let her do your blog-- I knew she wouldn't disappoint.

  2. Aww- I missed this post until now. You're so sweet! :) I'm glad you love your new design!!!

  3. Looks awesome! Just catching up on my blog reading right now!!


Talk to me, Goose!