Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

Merry Christmas my friends!
I hope that you had a wonderful day with loved ones near and far. I certainly did!
Stew and I arrived at my parent's house on Sunday night and basically bummed around there for three days straight. I did hit the grocery store once with my mom, but other than that stayed in major hibernation mode. I was pretty unplugged from social media for once, too, which was nice. I managed to get one or two things posted here, but for the most part my phone and iPad stayed put away in the guest room so I could concentrate on family time.   
There were puzzles, board games, movies, naps, lots of food and football, and even the installation of a new dishwasher (the old one conveniently decided to crap out on us). Oh, and we also did a photo shoot using the totally radical TMNT masks that mom and I picked up a few weeks ago as a surprise...
Because Stew had to work on Christmas Day this year, we did our family gift exchange on Christmas Eve, which worked out really well because of the family present I put together this year...
Christmas Jammies!

Stewart was worried that my Christmas Jammie idea wouldn't go over well, but as you can see it was an epic hit. You're obviously going to be seeing those outfits in photos for years to come...
That night we nestled all snug in our beds, while visions of sugar-plums danced in our heads. And since Santa had already arrived, we got to sleep in a little bit the next morning before my dad's family arrived for more gift exchange festivities and photo shoots.

And there you have it... Christmas 2013!
I apologize for many things in this post, but mainly the quality of the images and the massive photo dump itself. But hey, a picture says a thousand words, right?
My Christmas wish for you is that you your heart is filled with joy, happiness, and peace. And remember, this really is a wonderful life, and no one is a failure who has friends!
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  1. Love the jammies! You even included the dog, so cute!!

  2. I'm so glad you had a wonderful Christmas. I love the matching pajamas! :-)

  3. Looks like a great Christmas!!

  4. Merry Christmas!! Looks like you had an amazing time.

  5. TMNT masks for the Christmas Picture of 2013 WIN!

  6. Those masks are so great, especially combined with the adorable pajamas. Best Family Christmas Photos ever! Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas.

  7. I love those Christmas jammies! So fun! :)

  8. Matching jammies are the best!!! Wait until you see matching baby-daddy outfits in the stores and catalogs :)


Talk to me, Goose!