Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Cailin!

Today is my forever friend Cailin's birthday, so I just wanted to give her a quick shout out.

Happy Birthday, Gorgeous!

We went to Teatro ZinZanni last weekend to celebrate, and I had forgotten how much fun that place is! They are doing their "Lucky In Love" show right now, but ironically Stew was on shift that night and couldn't go with me. He was super bummed, especially when he found out that the main course was traditional English Beef Wellington. I meant to bring him home a to-go box, but unfortunately my plate was completely empty when I looked down... oops.

Here's Cailin with all most (we missed you, Stew!) of her favorite people...
A fantastic way to celebrate a birthday, if I do say so myself!

And now let's return to the last few posts for Blog Every Day In May... we're almost there!


  1. Teatro ZinZanni is one of my most fave things EVER! So jealous you went to that show! :)

  2. I've never been to teatro ZinZanni! Sounds awesome though!


Talk to me, Goose!