Wednesday, May 15, 2013

One Day

Day 15, Wednesday: A day in the life.

For today's challenge I decided to go the "mostly photos" route to show my typical day... enjoy!

And there you have it... a fairly typical day!


  1. i love to see typical days! Loved your "photo essay" soft tacos for dinner gave me the idea, now they may be going down in my house soon

    1. I know, I really love today's challenge and seeing how everyone spends their days. The soft tacos were delicious... I can't wait to have the leftovers for lunch!

  2. I love the pictures! This is a great post!

  3. I love the idea of a day-in-pictures! Great post, great idea!! I may need to steal it sometime and do a day in picture myself =)

    1. Thanks Anna! This was actually one of my favorite posts of the challenge... it was kind of time consuming, but super fun. :-)

  4. Hi, I saw your blog through your comment via 'Found Love, Now What?' & the Expat to Expat Q&A which I took part in on my blog (I write about my journey to moving to the US from the UK to be with my husband).

    I love the idea of doing the photos as a way of showing your day (I have done some of the 'Blog Every Day In May' posts recently too) it makes for a really nice post. I love photography and may have a go at doing something similar as you have inspired me!


    I will look through the rest of your blog as I enjoyed this post!

    1. Molly, thank you so much for stopping by! I am loving reading the Expat to Expat Q&A's, what a great idea! I stopped by your blog as well and it's great. :-)

  5. Digging the custom hawks jerseys, girl! Football season can't come soon enough! So stoked!

  6. Oh man I love soft tacos. You can't go wrong!

  7. You guys are such cute newlyweds. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your day. :) I am loving the lamp shades from Tar-jay!

  8. I really enjoyed your photo essay; the pictures were lovely. Don't food shops photograph well! Those tacos are making me hungry.

  9. what a great day, even if it is a typical work day there are things that make the day wonderful, personal packages arriving, baby shower invites, the morning cup of coffee!

  10. Your lunch looked so good. I want to go there!

  11. I love this idea of taking photos of a typical day! I just may copy this...BTW, this post made me a little homesick for the westside of the state!!

  12. loved it. fav post of the month.

    1. Aw, thank you! It was one of my favorites to write! :-) Thank you for the sweet comment.

  13. Hey there! It's Jessica from OhSoAntsy. You live near Seattle hey?! I live in Capitol Hill. Yeah!

    1. Hi Jessica! Yes, we're super near Seattle! We lived in Queen Anne and Ballard for years and just recently moved out to Snoqualmie... small world!

  14. so cute!!! your grocery basket was so healthy looking!!! Those lamp shades are really cute too!


Talk to me, Goose!