Saturday, September 17, 2011

Six Months and Counting!

I can't believe in we will be getting married exactly six months from today! It's been a whirlwind week with lots going on as far as wedding planning is concerned. We got a lot of the big stuff done right after we got engaged (venue, catering, wedding party, my dress, two engagement parties), and then we kind of backed off for a while as spring and summer kicked in. However, I've still been researching, reading and poring over magazines in the meantime, just trying to get a picture in my head of how I would like the day to go. And now it's time to finally start making things a reality! So in the past seven days we...

  • Got our wedding website up and running.
  • Mailed out our save the date magnets, which I'm really excited about.
  • Had a first meeting with our wedding coordinator and began discussing all the details and timelines from now until the wedding. 
  • Hired our photographer and sent in the deposit to make it official.
  • Finalized our hotel room block rate and details. 

Tomorrow my mom, sister and I are getting together with one of my most creative and stylish bridesmaids so we can do some brainstorming about decorations and all the little touches that will make the wedding "ours." I always feel a little lost when it comes to anything creative so I'm hoping this will be a very inspiring afternoon for me.

Stewart has been so helpful and interested and involved with all of the wedding planning aspects, which has made the whole experience so much fun. These six months are going to fly by!


  1. Sarah, that save the date is awesome! What a great picture! I bet you are so excited. Where are you having the wedding at? Can't wait to see all the pictures.

  2. Thanks Nikki! It's actually a magnet. And the picture is in Pike Place Market where we met. The wedding is going to be at Georgetown Ballroom in Seattle.


Talk to me, Goose!