Dear Kiley,
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
The Christmas season comprised the majority of this past month, and it was truly magical to have you with us for the first time to make new holiday memories.
Daddy and I attended my company holiday party on a Thursday night, and Auntie Erin was kind enough to come up to our house and spend the afternoon and evening with you and Ryder while we were gone. She was shocked by how much macaroni and cheese you were able to consume for dinner! You were a very good girl, sleeping soundly in your crib when we got home. I missed our usual bedtime snuggles, but it made me happy knowing that you were with someone who loves you so much.
I had fun this month dressing you up in adorable holiday-themed outfits.

We took you to see Santa Claus for the first time, and unfortunately you were not a fan...

We spent Christmas at Nana and Papa's house.
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Kiley's First Christmas, 2017 — Ryder, Mommy, Daddy, Kiley, Nana, Papa (with Roxy), Auntie Erin, Uncle AJ, Aunt Morgan, and cousin Kinley |
Even though you're still a bit young to understand what was going on, you loved being around the family and were excited to participate in all the Christmas morning craziness.

You absolutely loved your Radio Flyer trike from Nana and Papa! Everyone took turns pushing you around and around the house on it.

You were a big fan of a lot of your brother's Christmas gifts, too.

Your innocent joy helped us to remember and experience the true meaning of Christmas.

A week later, we were back to celebrate again with the addition of your Uncle Aaron, Aunt Nichole, and cousins Sophia and Aubrey.

And during this visit we had our first ever professional family photo taken!

You were only moderately cooperative, but the photos will still make great memories.

Although the Seahawks aren't looking that great this year, we are still in the midst of football season.
This means that you often get to spend your Sundays with Nana and Papa while Daddy and I attend the home games. One time, Nana and Auntie Erin took you someplace super special... Zoolights, where the Point Defiance Zoo is transformed into a colorful winter wonderland with bazillions of lights that change the exhibits into three dimensional animal light displays.
You were a huge fan, despite the dark and the cold.

Toilet paper rolls are currently your plaything of choice.

At any opportunity, you like to yank all the paper off the roll and onto the floor. Then you sit there happily shredding it (putting a few pieces into your mouth, which you chew and store in your cheek like a little chipmunk).

You're into absolutely everything...

And you love climbing into toy baskets, bins and drawers.

You are pulling up onto everything you can, and you can crawl super fast now, which means it was time to put the gates up.

Bath time is your favorite, especially when Ryder is there to play with you.

You've totally mastered drinking from a sippy cup, and trying new foods continues to be a daily adventure.
You and Ryder still love playing together, but I've had to break up quite a few squabbles lately.

You are independent and confident, and aren't afraid to grab something you think should be yours (whether your brother agrees or not).

You continue to love being outside, and we actually got a few nice days toward the end of the month to enjoy.

Although you are sleeping better now overall, naps were still often a struggle, mainly because we were away from home so much during the holidays.

We always try to read a book together before bed.

You are independent and confident, and aren't afraid to grab something you think should be yours (whether your brother agrees or not).

You continue to love being outside, and we actually got a few nice days toward the end of the month to enjoy.

Although you are sleeping better now overall, naps were still often a struggle, mainly because we were away from home so much during the holidays.

We always try to read a book together before bed.

You have had so many physical developments lately that it's hard to even keep track!
We finally went through an entire month without having to take you to the doctor or urgent care... well done! You have several more teeth coming in, which I can tell is uncomfortable, but regular doses of Motrin seem to help. You say Mama, Dada, Nana, and something that sounds like an attempt at Brother. We call you Kiles or Kye Kye. Ryder likes to say your name with a funny accent, something like "Kye-leh." We love making fun of your fuzzy, goofy, mullet hair.
She is absolutely precious! I can't believe how big she has gotten! I bet her hair is curly.. with the way it looks now. What an Angel :)
ReplyDeleteher hair! She is so cute. Oh my gosh, i didn't realize she had been sick so much, I'm sorry! She didn't get any of that flu going around did she? You will be posting the ONE YEAR update soon!