Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Blog Tour -- My Writing Process

Have you ever wondered about why I write this blog, or what I choose to write about, or how I manage to publish posts in between working, spending quality time with my family, and changing poopy diapers?
If so, today is your lucky day!
One of my favorite blogger friends, Becky at Rebeckann's Random Thoughts, invited me to participate in a virtual blog tour, and I thought it would be a fun opportunity to share some of the details about myself as a writer blog nerd.

 // what am i working on //
Currently I've been trying to get back into blogging on a more regular basis after cutting back significantly in the months following my son's birth. Most recently I have been exploring many different topics -- self discovery, reviews, event recaps, new parenting, monthly baby updates -- trying to figure out what my readers like, as well as what I enjoy writing about. Figuring out a balance, I think, will be the key to gaining and maintaining followers. But I also want to make sure that blogging continues to be a satisfying personal hobby, because that's why I started writing in the first place.
 // how does my work differ from others of its type/genre //
Lifestyle blogs are a dime a dozen, and the category is incredibly broad and encompasses so many things, but that's what I enjoy about it. I'd like to hope that my blog differs or stands out because of the wide variety of topics that I cover (see above). And perhaps also because of the incredible journey I have been able to highlight on this blog throughout the years... From single girl fabulousness to falling in love, engagement and wedding planning, marriage, a move from the city to the suburbs, and having a tiny human.
// why do i write what i do //
I am a writer at my core, and I started blogging because I wanted a place to put my thoughts down on (virtual) paper. This blog is my creative outlet. And as an added benefit, it has become a place where my family, friends and I can connect and look back on all the adventures, twists and turns that our lives have taken. My hope is that this blog helps my readers feel connected to my family and what we're up to.
 // how does my writing process work //
I find blog inspiration at completely random times, and whenever I do, I jot the idea down on an ever-growing list in my phone. I'm always looking for inspiration for a new post, and I get a lot of ideas from other bloggers. And when I know an event or a milestone is coming up, I begin a draft of that post so I can get it published in a timely manner. Most often I begin posts at one time (on the bus, during my lunch hour, before bed) and then finish them later when I have a few more free moments. Such is the life of a busy working mamma blogger. 
// the tour //
I asked the following ladies to join me on this virtual blog tour. Even if they don't write a tour post, I highly recommend you check out their blogs! I always look forward to reading them. 
Erin from Love, Fun and Football. Erin is an Ohio girl, and I think she might actually love football a little more than I do. Like me, she has a journalism degree and is using blogging as an outlet for those unutilized skills. She also married the coolest man on the planet (weird, I did, too!), and loves Mexican food, Disney, and reading. Except for the fact that she likes cooking (which I loathe), she might just be my internet doppelgänger. Erin is just all-around fabulous and sweet. Plus she also does blog design, so check her out if your blog needs a little face lift (she did mine)!
Kristine from Living Barefoot and Crazy. Kristine is from a small country town in Washington state and we bonded instantly over a love for Seahawks football (and tailgating). When she's not cheering for the Hawks, Kristine's life revolves around volleyball (she's a player, coach, referee and spectator), her fiancĂ©, and a few fur babies. Kristine is a country girl who speaks her mind without any apologies -- one of my favorite things about her. Her blog often makes me laugh, and always reminds me that there are still "real" people out there in the world.
And when you get a chance, head over and check out Becky's blog. She's such a sweetheart and has some really great posts -- A couple of my favorites are Stuff & Things: Teacher Edition and Why I failed the #100happydays challenge.
Thanks for reading!
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  1. Yay! Thanks for the shout-out home girl! Can't wait to do mine! :)

  2. Yep, lifestyle blogs are a dime a dozen, but WE individually make our spaces special ;) I find my inspirations in the most random places too, and I have always been a writer.

  3. Thanks for including me- I loved reading this post and now I'm excited to write my own!!! :)

  4. I'm so glad you participated in this little tour, and thank you so much for all of the sweet things you shared about me and my blog! I, too, keep a list on my phone of blog post ideas. I just need to get myself in gear and actually write some of them.... lol


Talk to me, Goose!