Monday, March 17, 2014

Lucky in Love... Year Two

Happy Saint Patrick's Day, everyone!
It's our favorite holiday, and also our wedding anniversary! Wow, I don't think two years have ever flown by so quickly. I had a lot of fun looking at last year's post, where I finally shared some of our professional wedding photos. I have to say once again how much it means to us that so many of you were there to celebrate with us, and how much we appreciate the support and love you have given over the past two years.
Last year we spent our anniversary participating in the St. Patrick's Day Dash, but this year Stewie decided he wanted something a little more "fancy."
So last night he took me to an amazing dinner at Daniel's Broiler on Lake Union. We're not much for cheesy romanticism like candles, roses and diamonds, but we sure do like to eat and spend time together, and we rarely (if ever) spring for fancy restaurants, so this was a pretty special and perfect way to celebrate. Plus, I hear that after Baby Boy is born, date nights like this will be few and far between, so we were happy to spend a stress-free evening enjoying the quiet of each other's company.
Once again, thank you all so much for being there for us throughout our marriage thus far. We could not feel happier or more fortunate with how our life together has turned out so far. And we cannot wait for the amazing adventures that are beckoning from the horizon.
Lucky in love does not even begin to sum it up.

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  1. happy anniversary!! you guys are adorable and now you'll be adding to your cute family :)

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  2. Happy Anniversary! Here's to many, many more!! (I had to go back and look at your post from last year! LOVE your wedding photos! It looks like you had a wonderful wedding day! :) )

  3. Happy Anniversary! I loved looking back at your wedding photos! You make such a gorgeous bride and an even more gorgeous mama-to-be! Here's to many more years of marital bliss!

  4. I love that this is your wedding anniversary! So cute! :)

  5. Happy Anniversary !!!! and Happy St.Patrick's Day :)

  6. Awww... Happy Anniversary!!! :-)

  7. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. and here's to many more years to come.

    Would love for you to come join us and link up

  8. Happy anniversary!! I figured that it was one of your favourite holidays due to your super-cute blog design!! ;)

  9. What could be more fancy than pushing you up a giant hill in a stroller. That right there, says love to me! ;) Congrats you love birds!

  10. Happy anniversary!!' What an awesome day to have a double celebration!!


Talk to me, Goose!