Sunday, July 15, 2012

Katie's Baby Shower

With Host Haley and Momma Katie.
I attended Katie's lovely baby shower on Saturday afternoon and we had so much fun celebrating for Harper Paisley! The girls did a fantastic job organizing the shower, everything was color coordinated in pink, green, and paisley patterns of course. There was delicious food and a sweet treats candy table, as well as yummy drinks including root beer floats, a favorite of mamma-to-be! Katie didn't want to have any awkward ice breaker shower games, so we just got to sit around in the sun and socialize which was really nice. And there were a few activities for Baby Harper which you'll see below...

Sweet Treats Table... Stewie was happy to take care
of the left overs!

Jess and Katie in her adorable paisley dress.

The invite said instead of a card, bring an unwrapped
book for Baby Harper. Then we filled out bookmarks with
all our hopes and dreams for her! So cute.

Katie was absolutely glowing.

I love love loved the pink and green decorations.

Katie and her Momma, soon to be Grandma!

Lots of presents for baby (and mom & dad)!

Art project! Everyone contributed by painting
designs on wooden letters for Harper's room... another
super cute idea!

Harper already has so many people who love her!

Katie and Harper got so many amazing gifts! We got them a Bumbo Baby Seat in lime green from their registry, as well as a Naptime Melodies CD. For a book I got Harper "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein, one of my absolute favorites growing up. I hope she likes it!

As Katie opened her mountain of gifts I found myself becoming slightly overwhelmed... how do new moms know what the heck they need to get ready for a tiny human? Katie got all kinds of amazing gadgets that would never even occur to me! But I guess I do know a few things, like Bumbo Baby Seats are super popular, as well as Sophie Giraffe, which I gave to Cailin. And my sister Nichole has kept me pretty well informed on other must-haves, like a Boppy, so I suppose with the help of my family and friends I'll survive somehow (when that day comes!).

In the meantime I am having such a great time watching all the people I love as their families grow. We just can't wait to meet Baby Harper!


  1. such a cute shower! brings back memories of my shower, my mother in law made blue punch w/ little rubber duckies floating in it :) I love the bobby, never had a bumpo though!! Sophie Giraffe is so cute too! I always said I wish I would have gotten a video monitor but never did! oh and you must get an easy ear thermometer! At first I had just the regular armpit kind! Don't worry you'll have lots of help! Your sister's new baby is so cute!!

  2. My co-worker actually told me that now there's a pacifier that is also a thermometer... cool!

  3. What a pretty shower! And love the name Harper!

  4. The bookmark idea was fantastic! And yes, Sophie is pretty awesome.... Just ask my dog ;)

  5. Our dog liked Sophie much more than Lyla did...although I know a lot of kiddos who love her.

    All the baby needs is you (and some diapers)...all that other stuff just makes life a bit easier easier! ;)

    (The Bumbo and a Boppy were pretty useful favorite thing is the swaddle me blanket.)


Talk to me, Goose!