Saturday, September 20, 2014

A Wedding in the Woods

My absolutely darling friend Amanda got married last weekend, and of course nothing really happens until I post about it here, so it's time for the highlights of this amazing night!
I remember four years ago when Amanda first told me about meeting Kevin. They had found each other on and she then proceeded to meet him (alone) at an ale house and then get into his truck and let him take her to a secluded park. I told her she was extremely lucky that Kevin turned out to be her one true love and not a serial killer.
That was the beginning for those two love birds, and now four years later they've finally tied the knot.
I absolutely love Amanda and Kevin! They are two of the nicest people I know, and they are going to be so incredibly happy together. And lucky for us they are on the baby track, so hopefully soon enough they will have a little Mini around for Ryder to play with. But let's not get to ahead of ourselves...
The Wedding!


The wedding took place in the woods at Camp Kalsman, a Jewish summer camp that used to be a hippie commune. Amanda is a bit of a hippie herself, so that made the location choice no surprise. It was a beautiful spot, and luckily we had some great late summer weather to accompany the ceremony, which was in the trees next to a lake. Due to various complications, Stew and I showed up just as Amanda began to walk down the aisle. But since we were in the back, I got to hear her adorable exclamation: "This is my wedding!" She could hardly believe that her special day had finally come, and my happiness for her brought tears to my eyes. She has always been such a fun, loving, and supportive friend, and she deserves happiness more than many people I know.

Amanda and I met during our freshman year of college, when we shared a dorm suite. We remained in touch while she lived in CA and NV for quite a few years, and became incredibly close again when she moved back to WA. She was the very first person to guess my pregnancy news while we were at Priest Lake last summer!

College roomies reunited! Weddings are always a great place to catch up with old friends.

Stew and I were fortunate, because my parents were once again willing to watch Ryder while we attended another wedding. I think this is the third time they've watched him while our friends got married this summer. We're so lucky that they love spending time with Ryder, because it means that we got to enjoy a night out together, all dressed up. PS - I absolutely have to start taking my nice camera to weddings. These iPhone photos are horrible!

So there you have it. Now that it's on the blog, you can consider Amanda and Kevin officially hitched.
And I couldn't be happier for those two love birds.
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