Dear Kiley,
It's been an exciting summer for our little family of four, and we've really tried to take advantage of these last sunny days over the past month.
You enjoy all our family adventures!
In mid-August we took you for the first time on one of our very favorite annual camping trips to Mayfield Lake. You have continued to tolerate car trips like a champ, and didn't at all mind the drive down. Once we arrived, we settled in, and you were content to just hang out with everyone for the weekend. We were fortunately graced with super nice weather, which meant we got to try out our new "Shade Shack" for the first time down at the beach.
It really is amazing how much baby camping gear is out there these days. Your best friend Jane was nice enough to share her portable jumper with you, which was a nice change of pace from being held or sitting in your balance chair, since you weren't sitting independently yet.
We officially closed out summer with our annual trip to Priest Lake in Idaho with the Alway Family for Labor Day Weekend.
Back at home, you have continued to work on some of your skills, like rolling over.
Ryder is always happy to help you practice.
You enjoy all our family adventures!
In mid-August we took you for the first time on one of our very favorite annual camping trips to Mayfield Lake. You have continued to tolerate car trips like a champ, and didn't at all mind the drive down. Once we arrived, we settled in, and you were content to just hang out with everyone for the weekend. We were fortunately graced with super nice weather, which meant we got to try out our new "Shade Shack" for the first time down at the beach.
It was awesome!
It really is amazing how much baby camping gear is out there these days. Your best friend Jane was nice enough to share her portable jumper with you, which was a nice change of pace from being held or sitting in your balance chair, since you weren't sitting independently yet.
Daddy was excited to take you swimming.
But the water was a little cold for your taste, and you weren't a huge fan.
Back at the campsite, everyone was happy to just hang around and hold you.
Later that month we met up with our good friends the Webb Family for a sunny afternoon of wine tasting.
We sat outside on the patio in the shade, and there was even a fountain for you to dip your toes in when it got too hot.
Your big brother Ryder has a membership at the Hands on Children's Museum in Olympia, so sometimes when Nana takes him for a visit you get to tag along. It's such a fun place to learn and explore!
We officially closed out summer with our annual trip to Priest Lake in Idaho with the Alway Family for Labor Day Weekend.
You got some more use out of the Shade Shack.
And when you once again weren't a fan of the cold lake water, we set up a little baby swimming pool for you in the shade.
For whatever reason, you decided that this trip was the time to implement a nap strike, although you did occasionally snooze in the shade.
One evening you got dressed up and went out to dinner with the family.
You liked hanging out outside with Uncle Mark and Daddy while we waited for our table to be ready.
When wildfire smoke rolled in and we were contained inside for part of the trip, you didn't mind a bit.
Back at home, you have continued to work on some of your skills, like rolling over.
Ryder is always happy to help you practice.
You're getting better at Tummy Time and don't mind it as much anymore...
This month we worked on helping you learn how to sit up, but for the most part you still prefer lounging.
However, right around seven months old you finally decided to start sitting up independently!
At night you still sleep in your Pack 'N' Play next to Mommy and Daddy's bed, but you've graduated from swaddles to sleep sacks.
For a period of time you were struggling going down for bed at night. Finally I realized that you desperately wanted to roll over onto your belly. Once you did, you were out like a light.
Morning and afternoon naps are still in your Rock 'N' Play, because it's where you sleep the best, and we figure if it ain't broke, why fix it?
You've been trying more and more solid foods all the time, and so far you seem to prefer the baby food purees to anything that I cut into chunks and serve you.
You love hanging out in your high chair, especially when I'm working around the kitchen or when the rest of the family is eating a meal.
And you're a big fan of your Jumperoo! This is great for Mommy and Daddy, because you'll play happily in there for up to 30 minutes at a time, which is a nice break for us and such fun for you.
You love, love love your Daddy, and he can make you laugh almost instantly.
This month, as the NFL preseason kicked into gear, you also learned that your family and friends are made up of a bunch of crazy Seahawks fans!
You were happy to join in on the fun, and boy do you look cute in your baby Hawk gear!
You continue to be just the sweetest, happiest, best-natured little girl!
At your last doctor appointment you were 26.25" long (54th percentile) and weighed in at 16 pounds, 15.3 ounces (60th percentile), right on track at double your birth weight. You handled your immunizations like a champ as always and we were so proud of you. After a few more weeks of prescription topical creams, we finally seem to have your skin issues under control. And although it has seemed like you've been teething for months, we don't see any signs of actual teeth yet.
As the summer draws to a close we're looking at some big changes like new childcare providers and your big brother starting pre-school. And then, soon enough, we'll launch right into the holidays — our first as a family of four. But we'll get to that soon enough...
For now, welcome to Fall, little Munchkin!
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