Thursday, December 15, 2016

Dear Santa: I Want A Blue Dump Truck

Last night we took Ryder into town to see Santa. 

Unlike last time, this year he really understands the whole Santa Claus concept, and we've been talking a lot about how Santa brings good little boys presents on Christmas. So he seemed fairly excited to go visit and tell Santa all about his wish list.

Ryder hardly seemed apprehensive at all when I picked him up to put him on Santa's lap  we were so proud! He cooperated for the photo, and then seemed content to sit with Santa for a few more minutes looking at a Christmas story.

And what did Ryder ask Santa for this year? 

A blue dump truck. 

Not just a regular dump truck. A BLUE one.
(He was very specific about that).

Ryder's favorite color is blue, and he is always quick to snatch the blue crayon, the blue candy, or the blue toy. So although it's really no surprise, where the heck is Mommy Santa going to find a blue dump truck on such short notice?! 

Thank goodness for Amazon Prime... 

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  1. You have the Little Blue Trucks books, right? We love them!

  2. so cute, i've been reading via my email but haven't gotten to your site to comment yet, so glad you were able to find a BLUE dump truck, we always have so many issues getting Abraham what he asks for!


Talk to me, Goose!