Thursday, May 8, 2014

Live & Learn -- Pottery Barn

Did you know that Pottery Barn and Pottery Barn Kids are NOT the same store? I learned the hard way...

I saw this great storage system in the Pottery Barn Kids catalog that I thought would be absolutely perfect in our media room. It had drawers, cabinets, cubbies... everything to keep all our movies, games, toys and sports memorabilia all organized and displayed neatly.

However, I wasn't sure about the finish. I wanted a black/brown color to go with our media center and coffee table, but the "Espresso" and "Tuscan" finishes didn't seem quite right from what I could see online. So I thought I would call the company and confirm that the finishes shown online were a pretty accurate representation of the colors (we've had problems with this in the past).

The customer service rep I spoke to said that one of the finishes might actually be very close to what we were looking for. She suggested that we stop by one of the local stores to see the finish samples in person to confirm. Perfect.

So one afternoon Stew and I drove into Bellevue (the closest Pottery Barn to our house), fighting through traffic, a crowded parking lot, and a bustling shopping mall, to check out the finishes.

But when we walked into the store, the sales person seemed quite confused. She did not have any finish samples called "Espresso" or "Tuscan" and wondered why we had been told that over the phone. Finally we figured out the problem.

Pottery Barn and Pottery Barn Kids are NOT the same store.

We had gone there for nothing, and Stew was not at all pleased to have had his time wasted. But how the heck was I supposed to know?!

The closest Pottery Barn KIDS was another 30 minutes away, but since we were already out and determined to finish our errand, we headed into the city. I even called them on the way to confirm that they had the finish samples we wanted to see.

At this point rush hour traffic was really working against us, but we finally made it to the store and saw the samples, which were absolutely NOTHING like what we were looking for. I think Stew really wanted to throttle me at this point.

However, once we saw the unit in the store, we ultimately decided to go with white, and an extremely nice sales person ended up giving us a great deal on our order, so I still think it was all worth it in the end. And now that the whole thing is set up in the media room I'm SO happy with how it turned out.
Pottery Barn catalog photo since I haven't taken one of my own yet.
But yeah, next time I'll be sure to do a little more fact checking before dragging my husband all over town... Live & Learn.
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This has been another edition of...
Life As Always
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  1. Who knew?! I hate when stores do silly things like that and don't let people know. I'm glad you made the treck though - how mad would he have been if you ordered it and it didnt match? Haha!

  2. I didn't even know that there WAS such a thing as Pottery Barn Kids. Hmm...

  3. Oh no! What a pain in the butt. They used to have a PBkids in Bel-Square but it's been a few years since I've been in that mall so they might have left.... What a bummer but so glad you got something. Can't wait to see a picture in your own house!

  4. Ugh !!!! I've dealt with this crap with them on the web between pottery barn kids and teen. It was so frustrating. But I also get the determination. I am the same way when I set on getting something I'd be damned if I don't get it accomplished :) Upside the unit will look great :)

  5. Never would've even GUESSED that. Those turds!!!
    I love white furniture btw!

  6. All that trouble was at least worth it! It's so cute!!!

  7. Sorry you had to drive all the way there and it was the wrong store. That stinks! But the set is very nice and glad you got it :).


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