Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sh*t Men Say v2

Stewart was so completely adorable this past weekend in Babies R Us, testing out car seats, strollers, and high chairs. My how things have changed since we first met...
He's not super into reading (in fact, he's about halfway through Unbroken, which he started on our honeymoon almost two years ago) but our good friend Clint gave him a book for Christmas that he's actually been peeking through (as far as I can tell)...
Here are some of the things that randomly come out of his mouth these days:
"I sure hope you don't get that post partum depression thing."
"I heard that I have to give up my season tickets and trade them in for a diaper pail... but I'm not gonna."
"So... who's going to be in the south end zone during this whole labor situation?"
It's after one of these random, out of the blue comments that I realize he's been reading The New Dad's Survival Guide. It's "man-to-man advice for first time fathers," and I'm thinking I should probably check it out here soon, just to make sure it's not giving him the wrong impression about anything! But at least he's learning something, because I'm pretty sure "post partum" and "diaper pail" were not a part of Stew's vocabulary before a few weeks ago...
With our niece, Sophia, 2011.
He's going to be such a good Daddy!
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Voyage of the Mee Mee
Today's link-up was brought to you by Amanda and Danae. And if you missed my first edition of Sh*t Men Say, be sure to check it out!


  1. "I heard that I have to give up my season tickets and trade them in for a diaper pail... but I'm not gonna." Bahahaha... gotta love a man who's honest!!!!!

  2. hey, at least he's being honest and reading about it!

    i remember looking for the book "what to expect when you're expecting" from the bookshelf and when i finally found it, it was in my husband's bag - he was reading it to prep for the baby.

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  3. O.M.G. The south end zone. I am dying. I am going to have to remember this book for when it is Joel's turn! ;)

  4. HAHAHAHA! Jake was a big baby googler I think. He'd randomly come home with facts about pregnancy and babies. So sweet! :)

  5. The south end zone... I die :)

  6. That is so sweet! I love that he's reading up on it. "South end zone" ??? Haha. Too funny!

  7. well at least he sounds ready. right?


  8. This is so funny! I can just picture my boyfriend saying any of this! At least he is honest with you...I wouldn't give up my season tickets for anything either!

  9. I think it's the sweetest thing that he's reading up! Though, I'm not sure how much of what he reads will end up driving you batty. D has done that with wedding planning. Since he reads up on everything, if something I want doesn't match up with the etiquette he's read about, you can bet I'm going to hear all about it. lol.

  10. Ha this is awesome!! love it!

    you can find me blogging about "Life on the Parsons Farm" : atparsons.blogspot.com

  11. I love that he's reading that book and it's hilarious that he's literally quoting stuff out of it. Tell him to get prepared for the eating of the placenta because you've now decided you are into Scientology :)

  12. So sweet! Dustin had a book too, I think it may have been the same one but not sure.. Some new dad book! It's all very mysterious for everyone n you find out all sorts of weird stuff!

  13. Awww... That's just the sweetest!

  14. LOL! I love it! I will def have to remember that book for Jared one day- he'll need to learn the lingo too! ;)

  15. Thats funny, Brad read one called Pregnancy Sucks for Men

  16. So, so sweet! He's going to be an amazing daddy!

  17. Ha ha! This is the best. South end zone..... :). I'll tell you, Dave kept hearing hat he needed to be my "coach" during labor. He took it so seriously the nurses told him to "calm down drill Sargent!"


Talk to me, Goose!