Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Celebration of Champions

How long, exactly, is it appropriate to celebrate your team being WORLD CHAMPIONS?
I've decided we definitely get a while longer...
I wanted to do a recap of the Seahawks Victory Parade last week, because it was seriously one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. Just me and 700,000 of my closest friends, gathered to welcome the Hawks home from the Super Bowl.
Have I already mentioned that we won?!?!
We nearly froze to death, but it was worth it to be part of such a monumental day...

We arrived in the city at 6:45 a.m. the day of the parade so Stew and Brett could post up and get us front row seats on the parade route. It was COLD. My friend Jessica and I brought them hot drinks every hour or so...

As the streets started to fill up and the excitement began to built, you could literally feel the energy in the city rising...

With my co-workers, front and center waiting for the parade to start. We are lucky to work only a block away!

Stew and Brett getting the crowd riled up...

We hung out in the freezing cold for several hours waiting for the parade to start, but no one minded a bit.

It's starting! It's starting!!

Marshawn Lynch tossing Skittles out to the crowd. Stew even reached up and handed him a new bag! I decided it was weird to try and get him to sign my belly for Baby Marshawn... but I was tempted!

Sea Gals and Blue Thunder.

Richard Sherman and Russell Wilson showing off that beautiful, shiny Lombardi Trophy. Swoon!


I have never, ever in my life seen the streets of Seattle like this. It was such an unbelievable experience and I'm so glad we were able to be a part of it!

After the parade we headed down to the season ticket holder victory rally at CenturyLink Field. This is the last time you'll see me here until the fall!
Stew and I spent some of this weekend spending Baby Marshawn's college tuition on Super Bowl swag... we may have gone a little overboard. But Baby Boy will be so excited to have a commemorative football someday... and a hat and a t-shirt and a sweatshirt and a onesie and a beer mug and a photo collage and a pennant and... oh lord I don't even remember what all we ordered. It's all going to look great displayed in our media room, though.
It feels strange to have football season officially over with, even though we went out with the biggest bang in franchise history.
I'm so in love with this city, this game, this team... And I can't wait to do it all again!
Hawk Yeah!
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  1. Okay, I'm not even a sports fan and this looks like a total blast! I love how the guys were working the crowd... hilarious!

  2. That's pretty stinkin' awesome! I'm surprised you didn't get the belly signed but it was cold-- I'm a die hard Alabama fan so I can appreciate your loyalty!! Hawk yeah!

  3. So so jealous you got to be there! I watched online and it made me mis Seattle so, so much!

  4. You should've told me you were going!! I would've invited myself to tag along!! :)

  5. this reminds me of the time when the toronto blue jays won the world series (back to back) and the city was in uproar and partying in the streets. even the cops were like: FUCK YEAH!!!! and partied along right with us. it was awesome.

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  6. I am pretty sure we get to celebrate our major win until the first preseason game of 2014. At least that is what I plan to do!


    You have until the next Super Bowl to celebrate! Heck even after, I am still living in a fantasy land since the Ravens won last year. I LOVE seeing all of your pictures from the parade and at the stadium! It really is a memory for a lifetime! It's nice to see other people as crazy as me and my family are about football. I can't wait to have a baby to name him Tucker after our kicker!

    1. I agree... this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and we definitely deserve to live it up until next season! We're still jokingly calling our son Marshawn until he is born and we reveal his real name... but I think a lot of people might just continue to call him that, LOL.

  8. I think you get at LEAST a full month to obsess over your Super Bowl win. And then in the fall you get to get pumped all over again about your title! :) Seriously, these pics are amazing.. ONE DAY I will experience this in Cincinnati haha. I cannot wait, I don't care if I'm 90!

  9. We can celebrate until the start of football season as far as I'm concerned.
    I'm so jealous you got to go. Silly work, gets in the way of fun time.
    Hawk Yeah!
    Now the Sounders turn!

  10. It's a world championship with very few countries ;)

  11. We were there too! It was a fun day but colddddddd!!!


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