Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween | 2017

Ghostly greetings from the Alway family!

This was our first Halloween as a family of four, and we had quite a few new traditions to incorporate.

Ryder's preschool hosted a Halloween parade and party, so he got to test out his costume a few days early. 

Of course he went as a firefighter, just like Daddy!

Ryder tried out a bunch of fun activities like bobbing for apples, making chili, and of course eating fun Halloween treats.

At home, we unearthed quite a few costumes for Ryder and Kiley to try out and model.

We actually got two of these adorable ladybug costumes from cousins Sophia and Aubrey. It ended up working perfectly for Kiley, and Ryder liked matching with her for a while for fun. 

She made such a cute little bug!

I also got dressed up for a costume contest at work, and I won!

Stew helped the kids carve the pumpkins that we got from Remlinger Farms. This was a first for Ryder, and he was super intrigued by the pumpkin "guts."

Our littlest monster was content to just sit back and watch.

Thanks to Stew, the pumpkins turned out great!

On the evening of Halloween, we got the kids dressed and took them out trick or treating in the neighborhood.

Ryder was quite a bit more brave this year, and of course he was thrilled with all the candy he received.

Even though Stew and I don't get dressed up and go out to crazy adult Halloween parties anymore, this holiday hasn't lost its appeal, and I actually think that in a lot of ways it's more fun now that we have little kids to experience it with.

Happy Halloween everyone! Stay safe out there!

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