Sunday, May 14, 2017

These are the Days

The days are long, but the years are short.

I don't know if I've ever heard a truer statement.

This Mother's Day, my first with two children, I am feeling extra fortunate. With the addition of Kiley to our family, I feel like the missing piece of the puzzle has been added, and our lives are finally complete. I've been lucky enough to stay home with my children for the past three months, and even though the adjustments have been difficult at times, I try constantly to remind myself that even though some days seem long and hard, the years are already passing by in the blink of an eye.

This video, created by vlogger Esther Anderson of Story of This Life, really resonated with me today...

I can only hope that my children's days are filled with just a little bit of magic.

As for me, I had a wonderful day with my little family. Stewart took me shopping for some new bling, and I spent a wonderful afternoon on the couch napping with baby Kiley. Seriously, is there anything better than a good nap?! No, no there is not.

Becoming a mom has changed me in indescribable ways, and the love that I've been graced with continues to awe and humble me every single day.

I love you so much, Ryder and Kiley. Thanks for letting me be your Mommy.

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1 comment:

  1. This is an incredible post. I'm so happy for you and your precious family. I wish you so much more "magic". P.S. that video made me cry lol


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