Monday, September 26, 2016

Baby Seahawks

The last time I was pregnant during football season, we won the Super Bowl.

So naturally, I have high hopes for this season.

Luckily, I'm a little further along in my pregnancy this time, and don't have to blame any first trimester tailgate puking on faux hangovers from the night before

And even better, I have not only one, but TWO partners in crime at the Hawkwagon Tailgater Association!

Jessica and Haley are both knocked up, too!

Jessica (due in October) is currently winning, with Haley and I lagging a couple months behind. But by next year, three new little baby Seahawks will have joined the gang!

This season I quickly discovered that it's much more fun to be sober at a drunken tailgate party when you have a couple friends to share your non-alcoholic champagne with. 

Of course none of this means that our guys are standing with us in solidarity. I think they just see it as an excuse to drink our share of Fireball from the Shot-Ski.

Real. Women. Love. Football.

Stew can always be counted on to photobomb an otherwise great group pic.

Stew and I really don't get out much anymore, so football season consists of some of our main social activities for the year. We feel so lucky to have made such great friends over the years as part of our Hawkwagon Family!

Now let's do this, Seahawks!

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1 comment:

  1. I can now definitely speak from experience that it is hard to be the only person in a group not drinking....and not because you're being an awesome DD or something (where MAYBE you could have a few drinks earlier in your evening/day/event/whatever). I'm glad you were able to have some company this season!


Talk to me, Goose!