Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Ryder's 13 Month Photo Shoot

Over the summer our talented friend Matt came through for us again with another family photo shoot, and I've been meaning to share the results with you here ever since.
So without further ado...
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  1. Oh my goodness!! I love these!! I literally laughed out loud of the photo with Stew holding Ryder upside down by the leg and kissing you! (Good thing my students are at their specials class and not in here with me! ;) )

  2. These are SO cute- how awesome that you have such a talented friend to snap photos of you guys :) I love those 2 tiny little teeth I see!!!

  3. Awww, very cute! Love the one where your husband is holding Ryder by his leg. LOL.

  4. SO cute!!!! I love the one with Ryder being held upside down. Caleb loves being upside down. ;-)

  5. He is so adorable! Love the pics.

  6. Stew holding Ryder upside down by the leg!!!


Talk to me, Goose!