Monday, January 19, 2015

RE PETE! Super Bowl Bound, Round 2

I've said it before, and I'll say it again...
The Seattle Seahawks are going to the Super Bowl, baby!!
And victory tastes just as sweet the second time around.
Sorry we had to rip it out of your hands there at the end, cheese heads, but Pete Carroll has once again led the Hawks to victory... and a chance to remain WORLD CHAMPIONS!
The Hawkwagon Tailgater Association was there until the end, drinking fireball like the game's outcome depended on it... and maybe it did.

The littlest Seahawk stayed home with Nana and Auntie Nancy to watch the game.
He started the day off in his Wilson jersey, but during the first half (when that clearly wasn't working out) I asked that he be changed into his Lynch jersey. And what do you know! It's only weird if it doesn't work...
I can't even explain how intense it was to be at this NFC Championship game.
I went through a whirlwind of emotions. And I admit it... at one point I started to lose faith. About halfway through the fourth quarter I even asked Stew if we could leave the game, because I was so upset and didn't want to cry in front of the Packer fans. Shame on you, Sarah.
Of course leaving was not an option.
And we were there to once again to watch the Hawks clinch the NFC title in one of the most epic comebacks in football history.
The 12s went absolutely nuts.

I knew we could do it.
Unfortunately Stew and I didn't get chosen in the Super Bowl ticket lottery, so we'll be watching the game here at home in the Emerald City.
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  1. That game was crazy. The end was absolutely amazing. . I didn't even go to it and I lost my voice anyway. At one point, I did have my doubts. Be glad that you didn't leave!


  2. I can't even believe what happened on Sunday. I felt so many different emotions. And Cory threw out all the cheese. I mean, ish got crazy. It's still all surreal to me! So pumped for the bowl!!

  3. I was SOOOOO excited for you when the Seahawks took over the PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE beat that cheating Patriots. We were SO close two weeks ago and just couldn't close it out.

  4. And nothing will thrill me more than the Seahawks slaughtering those awful in the Super Bowl!!

  5. Preeeetty sure I lost 10 years of my life watching this game, I was so stressed!

  6. Seriously, you have no idea how jealous I am of you ;) I PRAY there is a day I'm watching my team clinch a spot in the Super Bowl... or just the Championship game, that would be great! lol!!

  7. I totally thought of you when the SeaHawks won the last game!!!!


Talk to me, Goose!