Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ryder's Four Month Photo Shoot

I wanted to have some family photos taken before Ryder got much older, but didn't really want to pay an arm and a leg for them. That's when I realized...
It pays to have talented friends.
Our good friend Matt offered to come over one afternoon to do a little photo shoot, and I'm so happy with how it turned out!
Therefore, I shall share the results with you here.

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  1. Great talented friend indeed! So glad you got these taken because they really do grow up so fast! Ryder is so cute and chubby and delicious. I love his eyes and smile and that he actually looked at the camera for photos. All I got are profiles of our baby. She kept looking at her big brother :).

  2. Your family is so photogenic! These pictures are great!

  3. Awww... I love these! Such a beautiful little family!!! :D

  4. They are amazing. I think this is the first time I have seen such a big smile on Ryder's face. Beautiful family. Love you!

  5. what a cutie! and y'all ain't too bad yourself! ;)

  6. These pictures are so great! Your little man just gets more and more adorable! :-)

  7. Ok, the Seahawks ones are adorable! They all turned out great though.

  8. How cute... I love the photos! They are too cute..


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