Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sh*t Men Say v4

Since I was in college I've spent almost every Memorial Day and Labor Day weekend at my friend Evan's cabin in Sunland, on the Columbia River Gorge in Eastern Washington. Basically, we head out on Friday for three days of drunken debauchery with all of our friends. Boating, beers, sunbathing, wake boarding, volleyball, theme nights, card games... Oh, I couldn't even begin to list all the silly activities we've done to keep ourselves occupied over there. Plus my brain cells are deadened from too many weekends drinking in the sun.

Anyway, quite a few years back I had the genius idea to start a Quote Book, so we could catalog all the ridiculous and hilarious things that were said on these amazing Sunland weekends. And I thought this week's link up with Amanda and Danae would be the perfect opportunity to bust it out.

So, without further ado, here are some of my favorite quotes from my favorite guys...

Rockin' it with pride, my friends!

Sunland = Funland, every single time.
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Voyage of the Mee Mee


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. These are the best things I have seen... I don't even know where to start. This just might be my favorite post ever. ever. But seriously, can pasties ruin areolas? That is kind of a good question... :)

  2. I just teared up, not sure from all the laughing or all the memories. SO glad we had those times together, now looking forward to bringing all our kiddos together and sharing in more PG rated shenanigans :)

  3. this is great. I wish I could just think of the things my man and my dad and bro say. b/c the stuff cracks me up. and why do men think they know everything? But when you say something to them about it they deny it. LOL

    miss hearing from you girl

  4. Hahaha OMG! Probably shouldn't have read this at the office...just cracking up over here at my desk. I think we need to start a quote book for all the lil ones everyone is having! Compare them to their dads quotes :-) thanks for the Tuesday pick me up! Miss the Sunland!!!

  5. This is by far the best link up I've seen today-- your friends are hilarious!!! And the outfits?! I'm LOL'ing at work! Thanks for the laugh!

  6. Bwhahaha so funny :) What great memories to look back on or blackmail with ;)

  7. BAHAHAHAH: "I've had sex with a girl." BAHAHAHAHAH!!!! AHHHH!

  8. These are ALL classic quotes and people that I want to party with/get to know. I could totally fit in and be a part of this tribe! What a great idea to keep a quote book! I'll babysit next year when you guys go to the Cabin-- it will be too soon this year :)

  9. Hahahahaha!!! Love all the quotes! :) Sounds like you got a good crew!

  10. Duuuude! I freaking LOVE sun lands!!

  11. these cracked me up!! got my morning off to a laughing start!!!

  12. That certainly was one crazy summer! What great blackmail material though :).

  13. HAHA! Love the things men say sometimes! :)

  14. Those are hilarious and the fact that there are photos make it even better!!!

  15. These are so funny! I'm loving that you have a quote book - I used to keep one for one of my friends who said some of the daftest, most hilarious things. Boy has one for one of his coworkers too, who we're all convinced is actually from another planet and another time...!

  16. These are awesome!! Love the pic&quote combo, makes the sayings wayyyy more interesting with their clothing choices!!

  17. These. Are. Awesome. hahaha I especially love the pairing of the photo with the quote, gives it a good context lol


Talk to me, Goose!