Friday, March 28, 2014

Dear Baby Boy... 34 Weeks

Dear Baby Boy,

Oh my goodness darling, just six weeks left until your official due date, can you believe it?! It seems like just yesterday I was writing that little note to you on my way home from work. It was the first of my "Dear Baby" letters and I'm so glad that I decided to continue with them! I just hope that one day you'll get a kick out of looking back on this journey.

You and I spent last weekend in Leavenworth for Alissa's bachelorette party, which was fun but awfully tiring. This weekend Daddy is on his way to Las Vegas for the bachelor party with Matt, and I warned him not to spend all your college tuition on drugs and hookers (in which case you'll end up getting raised by a single mother). I'm pretty jealous that he's going to get some sun this weekend... the weather has been so drab and dreary lately. But I'm hanging in there, with the bright star of your arrival peeking at me from the horizon.

This week you are the size of a cantaloupe (clocking in at five pounds and as tall as 20 inches) and your fat layers are really filling out, making you rounder and more pinch-able. Your central nervous system and lungs are continuing to mature, and the vernix (white coating protecting your skin) is getting thicker. Your tiny fingernails have reached the tips of your fingers, getting ready for that first manicure. I promise not to use polish. Oh, and your testicles descend this week!

You listen to our conversations now, and from what I've read you enjoy music and lullabies. You'll learn soon enough that your mother is completely tone deaf, which is why I don't sing to you, but daddy plays you music from his iPod almost every night, and occasionally we get to listen to him practice on his guitar. Do you like that as much as I do?

A lot of people I know have had their babies several weeks early lately, and it's made me extremely nervous about preterm labor. However, I read today that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine, so that made me feel better. However, go ahead and stay put for a few more weeks just to stay on the safe side, okay?

I've definitely hit that part of the third trimester where I'm pretty much over being pregnant, even though we still have a lot to accomplish before you're born. My fatigue levels are at an all-time high, and I'm experiencing almost comical swelling in my hands, feet and ankles. Daddy has taken to calling me a Hobbit. I limp because my feet are so swollen and painful, and this week I started acupuncture to try and help things. My acupuncturist is focusing on increasing my kidney function so I won't retain so much fluid... I hope I see results soon!

I know I need to slow down and save my energy for labor day, but it's hard with a lot of things going on at work and other obligations pulling me in lots of different directions. However, Daddy and I finished up our six week Childbirth Preparation Series of classes last week, so that at least frees up one night a week for us. I'm sure we'll find ways to fill the time...

This weekend while Daddy is out of town I plan on resting and doing lots of nesting activities, which I'm really looking forward to. Maybe we'll even get a hot fudge sundae as a treat (don't tell!)

Love Always,



  1. oh, i LOVE acupuncture and did it all the way through my pregnancy! how are you liking it so far?

    Vodka and Soda

  2. So cute! Wish I could come hang with you and have hot fudge sundaes! yum!! I hope the acupuncture works for the swelling, that sucks!

  3. You should TOTALLY have a hot fudge sundae. You deserve one! :)

  4. You totally look adorable and not at all hobbit-like =)

  5. enjoy your weekend! make sure you get that hot fudge sunday!

  6. You look awesome!! Love the idea of hot fudge sundaes!! Yum!

  7. I'll go for a hot fudge sundae too!! Rest up

  8. you're in the home stretch!! love your weekly updates. and i seriously want a sundae! ;)

  9. I'm so excited for you guys! You're looking so good even though I know you're over it. lol. You're in the home stretch!

  10. You are looking great! I would tell him to stay put as well :). The longer the better for him, though for you, not so much ;). I remember when I hit 38 weeks, I was like, "no more, ugh!" It was a heat wave in July so I was NOT having it. I honestly don't know how people last 1 day after their date because I had my C-section 3 days before my due date and it couldn't have come sooner.

  11. YOU ARE SO CUTE!!!!! :) I cannot wait to 'meet' this little guy!

  12. You look adorable.....My best advice is to rest as much as possible! The third trimester is or was for me the toughest but it also offers the greatest reward :)

  13. Girlfriend, you look gorgeous!! Your baby bump is seriously perfect... And a very sweet letter! It will be fun to look back at these :) :)

  14. Yay - so so close!!!! You look amazing, that shirt is really cute! And p.s. - my parents bought a house in Snoqualmie Ridge! It will be ready in October, but I'll be in your neck of the woods quite a bit I'm sure! They are super excited and i'm excited for them!

  15. I really hope baby Marshawn has nice big, pinchable cheeks! I just love little chubby babies!


Talk to me, Goose!