Friday, March 14, 2014

Dear Baby Boy... 32 Weeks

Dear Baby Boy,

Are you as excited as I am?!

Each and every day that passes, your birthday gets closer and closer, and we're just having so much fun imaging what you will look like and who you will become. Daddy is so anxious he wants me to squeeze you out right away, but I know you have a few more weeks to cook before you're good and ready to join us out here.

The past week has been pretty hard for us. We attended Uncle Steve's funeral yesterday, which was beautiful, moving, and heartbreaking all at the same time. You kicked and moved the whole time, almost as if to say, "I'm here, I love him, too!" and it gave me comfort.

We have tried to stay busy, and attended a couple different classes this week including another one in our Childbirth Prep Series and also a Car Seat Safety and Installation class. That one seemed to be the most informational so far, and we feel super confident now about our ability to keep you safe in a motor vehicle (Mommy's driving skills aren't always the best). Tonight we will attend Infant Safety & CPR to make sure that I know how to keep you alive in case of an emergency (Daddy is already an expert).

Tomorrow we will see everyone you loves you at the shower Aunt Erin and Nana are hosting for us. Aunt Nichole and Uncle Aaron are also coming with your adorable cousins, Sophia and Aubrey. They can't wait to meet you, and Sophia keeps asking when she gets to see "Baby Marshawn," which makes me smile.

By now you are the size of a large jicama (about 19 inches and almost four pounds) and you're taking up a lot of space in my uterus. The other day I swore I felt the exact outline of your foot poke out and kick at me... my little soccer player! You're gaining about half a pound a week now (which means a full pound of weight gain for me... ugh!!), and you'll gain a third to half of your birth weight during the next seven weeks as you fatten up for survival outside the womb. You have toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Daddy has big plans for all the fun hairstyles you're going to rock as you grow up, because he says you had better enjoy your hair while you have it (the men in our family tend to go bald, I'm sorry to say).

My physical complaints this week remain the same (heartburn, swelling and pain in my hands and feet) but additionally I have been suffering from complete and utter exhaustion. I'm sure it is a combination of emotional stress, working long hours, and the pregnancy in general, but it's definitely gotten worse than ever before. Whenever poor Daddy and I try to sit down, relax and spend some time together I'm inevitably asleep within ten minutes. I just hope that all of the stress I've been feeling hasn't been too hard on you, my precious.

You just focus on getting fatter and cuter, okay? Only a few weeks to go now!

Love Always,




  1. I can't wait to see the little jicama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Once again, you are just so damned cute! With that being said, I know that you are probably hearing that from a handful of people and it's getting old because you are exhausted in the end of your long journey-- but it's true. It's hard to treasure this time because your body is beat and you are struggling to get the simplest of tasks done but try, if you can, to make note of this precious time-- because you'll look back and wonder where it went. Once again, I'm so sorry for your loss... I know that there aren't any "right words" to say and there never will be-- but just know that you have a very special Guardian Angel watching over you and that's priceless. No matter how your loss hurts.

  3. Baby Marshawn: You're momma has the best posts and is obviously so in love with you. Can't wait to see you!!!!

    And momma, so sorry about your uncle. I know there are many stressors in your life right now, but just remember, everything is possible in the short term. Been thinking of you!

  4. So sweet! I had to laugh out lout when you referenced squeezing him out. lol. I told D about that the other day and he found it pretty funny, too.

  5. have a great time at the shower! you're still working at 32 weeks? kudos, girl. i stopped working during the last month of my pregnancy to do NOTHING until the baby came.

    Vodka and Soda

  6. Girl, you look so stinkin' cute!!

    (ps, sorry for all the comments at once, as you can tell, I've been a wee behind on my blog reading haha)

  7. you are so cute. baby bump and all. can't wait to have one in the near future. hopefully before I'm 40. that's ok right? LOL

    i love that he kicked and moved the whole time you were at your uncle steve's funeral. So sweet of him to let you know that he's there.

  8. You are just super adorable! I can't wait until we get to see baby pictures, too!! Getting so close! :)

  9. Too cute and glad you are staying busy. We never attended a car seat class. Why did you learn?

  10. I can't wait to meet this little soccer player! He will be here before we know it!


Talk to me, Goose!