Sunday, December 8, 2013

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to.

Just kidding... although I do kind of want to cry about turning 32 next week, I sucked it up for my big birthday bowling bash last night.
The older I get, the more vividly I am beginning to remember my birthday parties. I'm not actually sure if this is a good or a bad thing. Anyway, last night my darling friend Alissa was kind enough to organize a birthday party for me at Acme Bowl, a huge bowling and billiards place down in Tukwila.
All of our bestest friends and even a bunch of family showed up for the party. I am a huge bowling nerd, so this was pretty much exactly how I wanted to spend my birthday... will all my favorite people, doing something nerdy and fun.

Staying sober actually wasn't half bad, and after most of the big crowd left we stayed late with a smaller group and took over a shuffleboard table in one of the back bars. Have y'all ever played this game before?! I hadn't, but it was SO MUCH FUN. I am now addicted and will seek it out in any place I visit in the future.
I got a new cover for my iPhone (Seahawks, obvi) and it seems to be blocking my flash or something, because every photo I take now is overexposed and terrible! So I do apologize for the quality of these images. My phone used to take great photos... I've got to get this figured out.
It's been a busy weekend!
Yesterday morning we volunteered at the annual firefighters Toys for Kids drive, decorated the house for Christmas, and then rushed out of the house for my party. This morning I am on my way in to the office for a few hours to get some work done on a couple proposals I have due this week, and then we're off to Brett & Haley's to watch the Hawks spank the 49ers (I hope!). Maybe after that I'll be able to get a couple things done around the house before I start another crazy week...
I sure hope that all of you are having wonderful weekends out there... stay warm!
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  1. So cool that you helped out by volunteering! :)

  2. I'm glad you had a fun birthday celebration!! :)

  3. Your party looks like it was fun.. the only thing it was missing was me!! I absolutely love bowling and have been begging for us to go for the longest time. Only thing is-- I really suck at it! And shuffleboard is super fun!

  4. Looks like it was a fun party!! Yay for volunteering! So fun!!
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  5. Um, happy birthday!? I didn't even know! :) Looks like a blast!

  6. well happy birthday!! and a bowling party looks like so much fun! :)

    xoxo, Amy @ Interpret As You May

  7. I'm glad you enjoyed your party, dear girl!!! :-)


Talk to me, Goose!