Tuesday, September 24, 2013

No excuses.

I really have no (good) excuse for my absence here. I've been thinking about all of your constantly, fighting off overwhelming waves of guilt about my poor performance as a blogger.
But even these feelings of self loathing have not been enough to force me to log on and write something. And besides, I was raised Catholic, and therefore am no stranger to ignoring constant, consuming feelings of shame.
Plus I'm an all-star procrastinator.
But soon enough y'all are going to start to get bored, and stop coming back. So it's time I got my butt brain in gear.
Now... what should I tell you about?
I've had lots of ideas... but when I go to write them down I get a few sentences in and find that my mind is totally blank. And I'd hate to waste your time with rambling nonsense (current post notwithstanding).
Am I the only person who suffers from this blogger funk?
It's not as if my real life has totally stopped. Since my trifecta of a weekend I did Breakfast Club with some of my besties, saw a chiropractor for the first time, threw a huge party at my boss's house as part of a charity auction, missed an engagement party for our good friends due to the aforementioned party, and watched the Hawks spank the Jaguars. I've also been working crazy hours in preparation for a trip to Denver this weekend with one of my oldest friends. Oh, and I deep cleaned my bathroom at some point. Super exciting stuff.
But somehow none of this seemed important enough for a specific post, and I wasn't feeling overly inspired to photograph any of it.
But I promise to be better!
I really should have participated in Jenni's Blogtember Challenge, but it's obviously a little too late for that. However, maybe I'll still steal some of the prompts for inspiration.
And I'll be sure to keep you updated on fall, football, and everything else fabulous that we have going on right now.
Peace and love, homies!


  1. Awe I love seeing you back. Still reading!!

  2. Too bad you didn't take pictures I want to see the awesome charity party!

  3. Blogging funk happens to me, mainly because I have so much to think about with my impending move that I find I get sidetracked and end up spending far too long sorting something (I seem to be on a bit of a go slow again - I had been slow, then got super organised then now back to slow motion). I think if I have nothing to write about I should not do it, but explaining what I have been up to usually is my way in to thinking of something.
    Good to have you back!
    Molly xo

    1. The thing is, when I can force myself to just sit down and actually WRITE, I usually do okay. It's just taking that first step that's the problem! ;-)

  4. Don't worry, we all go through these! Mine are like every week though :)

  5. I will still come back. I've been suffering from a funk but that's basically because of my grandmother's death and the fact that I've gained weight and feel sorry for myself so ALL I can think about typing is: "Me Fat, Me No Eat, Do Not Feed the Fattie" LOL
    You could post about how awesome I am.. I won't mind. On the reals! XOXO


  6. I have that problem all the time and plenty of half written posts to prove it! Don't stress though, remember it's just for fun :)



  7. I love seeing new posts from you show up in my reader -- you aren't going to lose me. Seriously though, funks happen to everyone, especially in the summer. Keep writing though -- I live vicariously through you and your yummy meals, fun-filled weekends, and Seahawks tailgating. ;)


Talk to me, Goose!