Sunday, September 8, 2013

I'll take it, but...

Dear Russell,

We need to talk. You were not at the top of your game today. I don't know if you were too busy posing in cable-knit sweaters and doing photo shoots for Sports Illustrated to practice or what, but the Seahawks' performance was a disappointment.

Sure, we were able to hold back the Panthers (one of the worst teams in the league), and I'll take a W no matter what form it comes in. But the offensive line was horrible, defensive line play was mediocre at best, and our running game was nearly non existent. Doug Baldwin played like a super star, and Golden Tate was pretty clutch, but overall we were outplayed. And I can't deal with this type of stress for the rest of the year!

Of course I will love and support you no matter what. But we had high expectations for this season, and this morning was a disappointing start.
I realize you were on the road with a 10 a.m. start time, but this type of performance will not do against the 49ers, so you need to figure it out before next week.

The 12th Man

In order to shake off the anxiety that accompanied watching the Seahawks' lucky win, obviously a backyard barbecue, beers and bean bag toss were in order.
Hawk yeah!
I'll be linking up with fellow Seahawks fan Kristine at Living Barefoot and Crazy occasionally this season for game and tailgating recaps. Please stop by and show her some love!


  1. YESSSS! Loving the letter to Russ. He was probably making commercials or something... Or spending all his free time at children's which, from what my nurse friends there tell me, he is literally there ALL THE TIME. Sorry, nfl... We can't help that fact that our qb is a saint and even on his crappiest days can still pull out a win! ;)

  2. Aw, I'm so sad I'm not able to watch the Seahawks games while I'm out here in Florida! Boo! Go Seahawks!!!!
    xo TJ

  3. lol! Love this. Hope you're doing well, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest. xo

  4. Love your letter! Where I live we call bean bag toss "corn hole"! lol Anyways, found you through the football link up! Hope you're having a great week!

  5. Never watched a game ... have all that to come!

    Molly xo

    1. You will love it, it's SO much fun being a fan! :-)

  6. Becca wore her Wilson jersey on gameday to cheer on the Hawks! It was an ugly win, but we'll take it. I think they'll play much better this week.

  7. Ditto, agreed, concur to all of the above.


Talk to me, Goose!