Monday, December 31, 2012

Seahawks Game 17

Seattle Seahawks vs. St. Louis Rams...
WIN: 20-13.

Happy New Year, Hawk Fans!

We did it! The Seattle Seahawks are undefeated at home in 2012, thanks in part to Stew and me, the 12th man and 12th woman, respectively. You're welcome, guys, we know you couldn't have done it without us.

But before the game we still had one last Hawkwagon Tailgate to participate in, and we really ended the season in style (and as you can see the Shot Ski pretty much dominated the tailgate this week)...

Last regular season game of the year... a great way to end 2012!

We were so, so happy with our decision to purchase Seahawks season tickets this year! We had an awesome time every single week, and never once had to watch the Hawks lose. Plus we developed an amazing group of friends with the Hawkwagon Tailgater Association that we looked forward to seeing before every home game. We're looking forward to seeing the Hawks in the playoffs next week against the Redskins, and thank them for an amazing season!

Happy New Years Eve... everyone be safe out there tonight!


  1. yay for being undefeated at home!! the seahawks definitely had a stellar end to their season, congrats! and i love that ski with all the shot glasses, perfect for tailgating. hope you have a great NYE Sarah!

  2. Aw, I've always wanted to go to a Seahawks game! And that last play was so intense! So happy we won! Great pictures, girl!
    xo TJ

  3. Oh haha just noticed its a scarf

  4. The shot ski is hilarious.

    Yay for season tickets! So awesome that you were able to make some great friends too - what an added bonus!

  5. Woohoo! Yay for a great season!! And good job cheering so loudly!


Talk to me, Goose!