Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pitcher Perfect

Yesterday we attended a perfect baseball game. No, seriously, a PERFECT game. A "perfect game" in Major League Baseball is when a pitcher pitches a winning game where no opposing player reaches base at any point: "27 up, 27 down." It has only been achieved 23 times in the history of baseball... That's 143 years worth of games! But yesterday Félix Hernández pitched a perfect game for the Seattle Mariners against the Tampa Bay Rays, and we were there!

Nice seats to witness such a rare event!

Enjoying the sun, beers and baseball... a lovely afternoon!

Go Félix!

Probably the best moment of their careers?

And the crowd goes wild!

I felt so, so lucky to be able to witness such an amazing moment in sports history. More people have orbited the moon than have pitched a major league perfect game! I actually won some company tickets in raffle at work and took the afternoon off to catch the game with Stew since the weather was so nice. We had no idea that we would be jumping up and down screaming at the top of our lungs, watching something happen that is so rare most people won't ever see it in their lifetime.

We celebrated by stopping at the team store on our way home to exercise our credit card.

Go Félix!

1 comment:

Talk to me, Goose!