Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Carrie's Baby Shower

I went to my darling friend Carrie's baby shower in Bellingham on Sunday and had such a good time. The girls had adorable decorations and delicious food set out, including mason jars with pink polka dot straws for lemonade and an ice cream sundae bar for later.

As you can tell from the decor, Carrie is having a Baby Girl.

We played a couple shower games and I failed epically at all of them. I only got 2.5 points out of 7 on the baby food challenge! But honestly, you try to distinguish sweet corn casserole from sweet potatoes by smelling (and tasting - ick!) little multicolored piles of strange smelling goo. What are we feeding these poor kids?!

Carrie (and baby) got loads of amazing gifts. Stew and I got them a Fisher-Price "My Little Snugabunny" Bouncer Seat, which I know my niece loved so I thought it was a safe bet. It was a long drive up to Bellingham and back by myself for the shower, but I was so happy to get to celebrate with Carrie who is looking gorgeous and glowing as ever.

Carrie with little sister Claire.

Me and Momma-to-be!

So excited to welcome Baby!

Jess made Carrie monthly onsies to track Baby's progress - so cute!

The shower was super cute and I was so glad I made the trek north. When I came home I told Stewie, "Maybe we should have a baby!"  He turned white so I don't think we're quite there yet...


  1. Um, yes! You'd have the most beautiful babies!

  2. Aw, thanks Nikki, you are so sweet!

  3. bahahaha, you really would have cute babies, but that's hilarious. He's never going to let you go to another shower!!


Talk to me, Goose!