Monday, May 21, 2012

Sheena's Bridal Shower

My darling friend Sheena is getting married this summer! It has been so fun to share this period of our lives... getting engaged, wedding and honeymoon planning, etc. Sheena and I met freshman year in the dorms at WWU and became fast friends. It's hard to believe that more than a decade has passed since that time, but I am so happy that we are still part of each other's lives.

Sheena has always loved the color purple, so of course that will be a theme throughout her wedding events. Her shower was hosted by her bridesmaids who did a fabulous job with gorgeous decorations, delectable drinks, and delicious food. The weather also cooperated so we got to sit outside on the deck and enjoy the sunshine while the bride-to-be opened her many gifts.

We can't wait for Sheena and Nick's wedding on 07/28/12!


  1. Love the decorations! Looks like a great party.

    P.S. I'm from Bellingham and worked at WWU before moving down to Seattle. Small world!

  2. Thanks E, I thought the decorations were so cute, too! I am just not crafty or creative that way so it always amazes me what people can come up with.

    I absolutely LOVE Bellingham! My husband grew up in Ferndale. :-)


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