Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Sophia!

My darling niece, Sophia, will be one year old on January 10th, so this weekend my parents and I headed down to Oregon for her first birthday party. I cannot believe how quickly the past year has flown by! Sophia is crawling all around and even saying a few words now, and she is extremely close to walking but will only take a few steps at a time right now. She is just so precious and every time I see her it makes me wish I lived closer and could visit her every single day!

Sophia and Aunt Heidi

Adorable duck cupcakes that my sister Nichole made

Opening presents with Mommy

Hippo piggy bank from Aunt Sarah and Uncle Stew

"Silly Sophia" book from Aunt Erin

Of course the bows were more exciting than the actual presents...

She loved ripping open the paper!

Traditional first birthday cake

She dug right in!
It got pretty messy after this, but unfortunately my camera battery died!
It was a long trek down and back from Seattle for the party, but I was so glad I was able to be there for Sophia's big day! I can't wait to watch her grow up, I just love that little darling so much!


  1. What a cutie! Those cupcakes are amazing!

  2. I know, aren't they?! The tail is a marshmallow cut in half diagonally, and the head is a doughnut hole. The beak is made from Starburst! She has a whole cupcake making book, it's awesome, I kind of want to try it, it seems way easier than I originally would have thought...

  3. she is sooo beautiful! I just love that age, it goes by too quickly!! i love those cupcakes too, they are awesome!


Talk to me, Goose!