Saturday, December 3, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Last night we watched the country music special on TV while we decked the halls for Christmas. I just love this time of year. We only have a four foot tall fake Christmas tree and a few decorations, but in our small condo it's just enough to make things festive.

Last year Stewart had the stocking on the right made for me as a surprise so that I would have one to match his (his mom hand made it for him when he was little). It was one of my favorite surprises ever! And our new star on top of the tree is actually a gorgeous ornament that my mom gave me last year for Christmas.

Then this afternoon Stew and I spent two hours volunteering at a grocery store in Auburn for his department's annual kids toy drive. We had no idea that we would be standing outside in front of the store, and we did not come prepared. I don't think my toes are ever going to thaw out. But we collected a lot of cash and toys for kids, so that was good.

I'm really feeling in the Christmas spirit this year and I've actually gotten quite a bit of shopping done so far. We hope that you and your family are enjoying the holiday season! What with the wedding approaching fast, we're not going to be able to find the time to send out Christmas cards this year, but we wish you a very happy holiday season!


  1. Looks cute! Our fake tree came in the mail yesterday so I put it up last night, and we have some white lights up around the fireplace. That's it so far. We need to get stockings!

  2. Thanks! We don't have a ton of decorations but even just a few help make it festive. And Stew and I have been buying each other ornaments every year for Christmas since we first started dating, so we've got tons of fun ones on the tree. :-)

  3. love your tree and fireplace, and that stocking is so cute, so nice of him!!! i should have dustin one made too b/c mine is awesome and his is kind of funny, just has his name in sparkly paint hand-written but sweet :)


Talk to me, Goose!