Monday, September 19, 2011

Day of Caring

I am the committee chair of my company's annual United Way campaign, and this year I was also the project team leader for Day of Caring, the largest single day of volunteering in Washington state. On Day of Caring, volunteers head out to organizations throughout King County to spend the day serving the community. Due to some staffing coverage issues, I really struggled to get the 20 volunteers I had committed to, so Stewart generously offered to spend his day off helping others.

Our team spent Day of Caring at Sacred Heart Shelter, an emergency facility for families and single women. We divided into several groups to help spruce up the shelter, and projects included deep cleaning of the kitchen and dining room (my team), painting (Stew's team), and some other various light maintenance tasks.

Sacred Heart Shelter houses six families and six single women for up to three months, and assisting them with these important chores will help achieve their mission of seeing every homeless family and single woman move into secure housing. It was also a great opportunity to work together with my fellow employees doing something positive for the community. And since we were done by about 2:30, Stew and I were able to spend the afternoon at the movies!

Overall I felt like we really accomplished a lot for the shelter, and I'm glad that Stew and I had the opportunity to participate in this amazing day.


  1. Good job Sarah! I've never heard of Day of Caring, even though my work donates to United Way.

  2. Thanks! Day of Caring is really fun, next year I'll try to recruit you for our team! ;-)


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